Get in touch

At Professionals, we treasure close and personal relationships with our clients and freelance consultants. Send us a message and we will respond as quickly as possible.

As a company you are guaranteed easy and cost-effective access to the right specialist at any given time, supporting your staffing needs on current projects and in critical situations.

As a consultant you can look forward to qualified assistance before, during and after your assignment and get to work with some of the best and most innovative companies around.

Olivia Hansens Gade 3

2100 København Ø


Phone number

+45 32 17 27 50

Adelgade 119

8660 Skanderborg


Phone number

+45 86 17 27 50


Let's talk

Contact us now. We look forward to helping you.

Our team

Julie Ivanøe Samuel

Head of Professionals

Walid Hassan

Senior Operations Manager

Rubiha Rubachandran

Recruitment & Engagement Manager

Signe Rosengreen Nielsen
